By mixing and combining colors we achieve different effects, but if we want a look that will attract attention to the colors we wear, we use complementary colors. In the make-up world, the use of two complementary shades, one next to other, can be quite striking, especially if it is used on the eyelids and in the form of a shade. But the right dose of chic comes from the use of complementary colors on different parts of the face.
The complementary color combinations you need to try are certainly orange-blue, green-red, and purple-yellow.
So, for example, a blue cat eye on the eyes with a complementary orange shade, which you can wear in the form of rose or even blush. Combining these two colors refreshes the skin, gives a dose of playfulness while staying in the comfort zone. To achieve this simple look, you only need two products - lipstick and liner, but if you do not have the liner color you want, reach for the eyeshadows that you have. Soak a thin liner brush in water or thermal water, then dip into the desired shade, and apply on the eyelids in the way you apply the eyeliner. A wet application technique is also used to apply the shade over the entire lid. It is especially good to remember this when it comes to glittering and glossy eyeshadows that we want to emphasize further.
Another way to combine two complementary colors is to upgrade a mono look. I love mono looks because they are easy. Includes one shade that is applied over the entire lid. The most pigments should be in the middle of the lid, and the pigment will melt with the natural facial contours towards the outer edges of the eye. This mono look is simply upgraded with the complementary color of mascara.
Complementary shades focused only on the eyelids can look a bit sharp, so you can combine colors on the upper and lower eyelids. It is also very easy to put a little emphasis on the inner corner of the eye or take advantage of the potential of color shades. Mono shade on the eyes can look very modern if you use a colored shower on top of a monochrome. You can play a graphic eye eye in combination with eyeshadows, or even combine only two showers of complementary colors to create unexpected lines on the eyelids.